
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thrilling Card-Zero

Tarot is one of the paths to spiritual self enlightenment.It guides you not only to reach the goal,but also warns you of the wrong things which can mislead you going forward.It is very easy to understand your path as you climb up the stairs where you see some steps are widened,some are narrow and some are rougher or smoother.Each step has its own unique obstacles which you must overcome in order to make your way across it.
Here nothing is given to you by anybody but the inner strength in you is identified here and directed.The quality already exist in you is recognized and stimulated to reach the goal.Its altogether a great experience for a person who needs moral support in life.

 As we go down the row in tarot cards we see "The Fool" as first card in a set.This card indicates as zero in number sequence because it stand above all the other cards in the set though its one of the Major Arcana card. The meaning of this card is very significant from the picture depicted on the card.This is a positive note where the person enjoys his life by smelling the adorable flavors in his path.
"The Fool" also get influenced by the surrounding easily because of light heart ed nature.Trying to be focused and getting distracted in the path is quite visible from the picture itself.
Being spontaneous is one of the character of this card,surprising someone,feeling protected and loved by everyone.Recapturing innocence,taking a fools path at times all this is laid down in one single card.
The Fool also represents complete faith that life is good and worthy of trust. Some might call the Fool too innocent, but his innocence sustains him and brings him joy. In readings, the Fool can signal a new beginning or change of direction - one that will guide you onto a path of adventure, wonder and personal growth. He also reminds you to keep your faith and trust intact. If you are facing a decision or moment of doubt, the Fool tells you to believe in yourself and follow your heart no matter how crazy or foolish your impulses may seem. There is a sense with this card that anything goes - nothing is certain or regular. The Fool adds something new and unfamiliar to a situation.Hope this much will do for now, will get back with my new card soon.

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