
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tarot card No.6

Card No.6 in the set of Tarot card is named as "The Lovers".Anyone born on 6th of any month would be holding the main characters of this card.Very interesting card as the picture depicts a romantic couple on it.This is also one among the positive cards in Major Arcana. This card can be for general relationship,personal belief,Husband & Wife relationship and for values in life.
The main indications of this card  are-  relating to others,establishing bonds,feeling some special love,forming a union like marriage,acknowledging the kinship,sympathizing with others, getting closer to friends and anyone in your circle.
In a reading this card No.6 often refers to a relationship that is based on deep love - the strongest force of all. The relationship may not be sexual, although it often is or could be. More generally, the Lovers can represent the attractive force that draws any two entities together in a relationship - whether people, ideas, events, movements or groups.
At times there can be some negative impact like one can easily get influenced by bad company or people .This is an give and take card.You give more and you get more.
Lets see how it works in a reading.
Question- Will our relationship work out?
 Card drawn- "The Lovers".
The Reader-   It will work out provided you give some space to your partner.
This card here means when you adjust to compromise to live with your partner then definitely it will work out.Can reach me at
I think this much will do for this card.Lets see our next card soon...

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