
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tarot card No 2.

Tarot card number 2 is a "High Priestess" Card which represents person born on 2nd of the month.This is a very positive card which depicts one's position. By seeing this card you can make out the result.In picture mainly it shows  some common characters in a person born on 2nd.
The meaning for this card would be nonactive,withdrawing from involvement,being receptive to influence,becoming calm,being passive,waiting patiently etc...basically somebody's from a well established back ground and not utilizing the power of being in such a situation.
Also sensing the mystery,looking beyond the obvious,approaching a closed off area,opening to the unknown, acknowledging the Shadow which of no use.
But will always seems to be a status with all comforts.

Great card with so much of power and confidence is seen here in this card. When I first lifted this card to read for my friend I was surprised to see the characters matching with her so much and so clear.Nobody will deny this fact when you sit to see the reading.Its always a fact that when you believe in something it would definitely happen.
Lets see an example here
Question asked - Is there any possibility of me getting an opportunity to lead the assignment in my job?.
Card drawn- "The High priestess"
Interpretation- Yes you will get this expected position,No doubt but you need to see the nature of the job and with whom all you are going to workwith.Its a wonderful card with high positive energy.You will be driven with passion and enough energy when needed.Each card has its own frequency and strength in different reading so it changes according to the question you put across.Hope this much will do for now.Will get back with my next card soon.  

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