
Friday, July 15, 2011

Tarot Card No:11

This card no.11 is named as "Justice" in the tarot card set of 78 cards.This is one of the major Arcana card.This card represents person born on 11th of any month.As the name indicates, this person is suppose to be honest and very clear in his/her decisions.
The main characters are committing to honesty,fighting for principles, trying to follow book rule, being accountable,admitting the involvements if any,good at handling practicalities,understanding the facts and impacts of life very clearly.
In the readings, Justice often appears when you are concerned with doing what is right or making sure you receive your due. This card can also appear when you are feeling the impact of a past mistake or good deed.
Sometimes Justice is a signal to do what needs to be done. A time comes when responsibilities must be accepted, and accounts settled. The past will continue to haunt you if you do not recognize your mistakes and make amends for them.This card indicates you to clear all your karma before you proceed further.

Lets see how it works out in a reading.
Question- Should I accept the present business offer which has come to me now?.
Card drawn- "Justice"
Reader- This is the right offer you;ve been waiting for so long.Just go ahead, you will succeed  :) . Let me share my personal experience here,I got a call from one of my friend asking me whether she should take a break right now or later for some personal work,though I advised here not to take break during the session because it will affect her child's school routine.She insisted to do a reading so that she can be double sure.I saw the card "Justice" and advised her to proceed as per the plan.She came back and thanked me for sending her because she would've missed out something very very important if she had waited for her regular holidays.This is how it works out in a reading. Isn't interesting?.Yes it is!.Shall get back with my next card.Can reach out to me in for your personal readings.

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