
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tarot card No.10

This Card no 10 in the tarot card set is named as "Wheel of fortune". This belongs to birth date 10th of every month. The picture depicts a Wheel of  a Cart with other images all over the card.This again a positive card which gives some movement ,some improvement in the path.Its the tenth card in the major Arcana which is exactly half way in the Major Arcana line up.
The main Characters of this card are finding opportunities in an accident,moving ahead into action anytime,being at a turning point in a path,having a change in fortune,being surprised at a point of events and gaining greater perspective by discovering your role and purpose in life.

When we see this card in the readings  the "Wheel of Fortune" can indicate a vision or realization that strikes with greater force. If you've been struggling with a problem or tough situation, this card can signal that you will find the answer if you stand back and view everything from a larger perspective.When the energy of the Wheel arrives, you will feel the sudden speed up in life.
Lets see an example in this :
Question- I'am stuck with a legal case,how will this end up?.
Card drawn- Wheel of Fortune"
Reader-  You will get a favorable result from this case anytime.
Here though it was a struggle for the client through out during this period , end result is suppose to be favorable one which means worth the pain and struggle?.
Like to share one of my experience here,recently got a call from a known person through my friend needs a help in deciding something important ,her daughter had applied for a PG course in few colleges locally and other states.Just wanted to know if she should go ahead with the admission in local college or wait for outside college.I saw the reading for this case,got the card "Wheel of fortune" and advised them if she can wait for sometime she will get into outside college.I just left it to them to take a call.Meanwhile came to know that she has taken admission locally and started going.After 3 months she got into an outside college which she was waiting and went ahead to join there leaving this local college. Hey.. that's it what a great feeling that it helped her though she did not wait as I advised her.This is how it  works.You can reach me at Will come back with my next card.

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