
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tarot card No 9

This card number 9 in tarot card set is named as "The Hermit". This card represents birth number      9 & 27th born individuals.As the picture shows a lamp in an old man's hand,this card indicates light in one's path.It has got more of positive than negative impact though this number needs more strength and stamina to move ahead.
The main features can include being very introspective,thinking more & more of others problems,focusing inward,concentrating less on the senses,seeking greater understanding,always looking for something,wanting the truth at any costs. They tend to be a forceful helping hand to others."Think of the devil,devil is on the door"....this is what their weak point,they do seek helping others in every other situation.It might turn into offensive at times causing embarrassment.So in the readings the "Hermit" is understood that it needs some time for self reflections, when distractions are visible in their path.. In times of action and high energy, he stands for the still center that created for balance.
Excellent card for knowing the inner strength and honesty.Very reliable and ever ready for some guidance in every situation.

Lets see how it works in a reading.
Question-  Will I get admission into my choice of course?.
Card Drawn- "The Hermit"
Reader-   High chances are there but needs patients till the end.Don't get distracted.This is inborn driving force needs just a speed breaker at times to control.Let me share my experience here,I was asked to read for a person who is in dilemma to choose a college for his son's admission.The card drawn was "Hermit " and I advised them to go meet someone in the concern department in both the colleges with the child and also make him talk to the students of same stream,got a call thanking for the guidance which helped them in choosing the right ,suitable place for the child. Isn't interesting?
 If looking for a your personal reading you can reach me at for a immediate solution.  

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