
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tarot card No 4

This card no 4 in a Tarot card is named as "The Emperor".The Emperor comes 4th in the major Arcana. Anybody born on 4th of any month holds this card.This card is very special in the set because the picture depicts a fatherly figure which gives us more confidence when drawn.The wand in his right hand shows his leadership role where the figure of the Emperor says much about the essential qualities of this card.
This card means very fatherly, secured and guiding force which emphasizes structure and releases order out of chaos.The main characters are very systematic in doing things which suits as a able leader and good in executing plans and coordinating things.exerting control,representing the establishment,being in a position of strength,coming in contact with officials,setting direction etc.
You can also see them working within the legal system very efficiently and setting standards of behavior
following a regiment.

Lets see a reading when this card is drawn.
Question- When will I get my job?.
Card drawn- "The Emperor"
Reader- You will get it anytime soon.
He is often associated with legal matters, disciplinary actions, and officialdom in all its forms. He can also stand for an individual guidance.Hope this much will do for now, will get back with my next card soon.

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