
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

"Ten of Swords"


Ten of swords is a card of sudden distress, failure,overloaded responsibilities which is not in your control.At this point it indicates to accept the defeat or betrayal and get away from it permanently.As the image depicts that it is a battle fought for long and its almost over,just wipe out the pain and distress within and move forward.Since its associated with air element its time to think and act accordingly to win the situation tactfully.It is a difficult situation to express.But great sense of satisfaction when you get to see this in the reading ,it seems you have done with your pain and suffering so far, now look for a wonderful period ahead.Well, as I post this it happens to be "Tamil new year" which also indicates a new beginning with the positive node.Great!,this much will do for now,will get back with my next card soon,stay blessed  :) 

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