
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"Five of Swords"


Five of swords as the image depicts a man holding swords in his both the hands and also eyeing the left over ones indicates the selfishness in nature.Also indulging in his own world not showing any concern on others.It can be a hollow victory with no means.And finally with all this keywords five of swords gives a sense of courage to let go the inhibitions within and face the forth coming challenges without any fear.Good,let me share a reading which I recently did for my friend who had come to ask for her boss who's business is going through a rough patch.The card drawn was five of swords-I could read the plight without her telling me anything about the plight.What an experience it was?,just the apt card to express the situation.She was surprised to hear the interpretation.but its the fact,you need to accept the reality and act immediately.Well,let me stop here to get back with my next card soon,till then stay blessed :).    

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