
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"Six of Swords"


Six of swords is a card of transition and change in progress.This also indicates some struggle is over and heading for a better change in life.The image depicts a man with his old memories behind navigating through the path looking for the destination with the positive out look.Well,so this assures a better future though the boat is moving in slow pace.One would look forward for this change though not done willfully.Nice card to see when you are looking for a relocation.This was seen in a recent reading when a Parent asked whether their only son will relocate abroad ,what do I say ? Card drawn is six of swords- so its for his betterment he is stepping towards that direction though not very easy.So here six of swords assures it is a transition in progress for the betterment of his future.Great!.Hope you got it right?. Let me stop here to get back with my next card,till then stay blessed :)   

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