
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

'The King of Wands"


 "King of wands" here in all these pictures are so strange but are co related with each other to give us the same meaning.Basic features described would be same but in an interpretation the meaning varies according to the question and situation along with supporting cards. The king shows some determination, honesty and courage while sitting in his throne.He does not wait for things to happen,rather assumes,' take charge attitude' and creates his own future.This picture also depicts just live this moment without thinking of any falsehood and extend your hand to join others to take on a job or else learn from others.Generally he takes appropriate steps to get the result as expected.So assume that you got this card in a reading of yours today,go ahead and do the pending works you will definitely complete them more efficiently.Yeah you got it right,take care till I get back with my next card.Thanks for reading,stay blessed  :) .

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