
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

"Page of Cups"


Page of cups is a card of renewal or a beginning.This card indicates a surprise message is on the way or a welcoming news on the card for you to react.At times this card also expresses the immaturity of a person.Its a positive card with opportunities in hand and very confidant in handling things though seems childish in nature.General expression would be very unrealistic,limitless imagination,lives in a spontaneous moment of authenticity at times.But it is a wonderful card when you are looking for some admission or not sure whether you will get a job.The answer is ' Big Yes, definitely you will succeed in the venture no matter whatever you are looking for.An interesting incident just pops out from my memory,I was reading for a unknown person in an event recently,she just wanted to know whether her son would become rich who is in 3rd or final year of engineering,the card drawn was page of cups, what do I say here,its a positive card though you are not asking an realistic question means its not an overnight solution to get?,so can imagine how this card expresses the plight of this innocent,immature mother?The reading was done in detail by reading other supporting cards.This is how you get to read some unusual questions at times,but interesting?.Well let me stop here to get back with my next card,till then stay blessed :).  

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