
Thursday, March 17, 2016

"Queen of Cups"



The Queen of cups is a beautiful card which represents compassion,nurturing,caring,sensitivity and love.Extremely imaginative card which can play the role of mentoring and guiding in right direction.This card also can sense the need of the hour in any kind of situation and can handle it accordingly.This can stand as a passive or receptive force in some critical scenario.Basically a  motherly card which pulls up the string with sense of confidence throughout the ups and downs in any process of life.Great ,as I always do let me share my experience of a recent reading, one engineering student who is not interested in his course wanted to start his  own business,so the reading was done to help his parents guide him in right direction.The Queen of cups is one among the card drawn in the reading, which indicates get involved in all his decisions and go ahead with his idea of shifting his course to business oriented course which has worked for them.Good, now both are happy doing it?So now you feel queen of cups is needed for everyone of us to guide us through our ups and downs?.Wonderful!,will catch up soon with my next card,till then stay blessed and enjoy :).

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