
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

"Five of Cups"



"Five of cups" as you can see the pictures depicting some displeasure in the situation, it does so.Yes just try and forgive for the past action and move forward from here on.Not to worry, its just an indication on your negligence in past.It is time to go ahead instead of brooding over the past happenings.This is an apt card to see when you are just over with some loss in the business or when you lose someone in the family.These are all the fact of life which you generally face now and then in your reality.So its time to overcome this as early as possible and move forward.More you go deep in a reading you get to see supporting cards to help you cope up with this situation.Let me share an interesting experience here,I had to read for a person who is looking for a change of job,got five of cups and a major arcana the strength in the reading,means just resign this present job and move forward, you will get a job with some strong influence so go ahead.After a month I got a call thanking me in helping him take a right decision.This is how you get guided as you go forward.Hope you got it right?.Thanks for reading and motivating me,will be back soon,stay blessed.Like to know something more,then can reach me at'?

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