
Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Eight of Cups"


8 of cups aquarian tarot         

Eight of Cups is a card of detachment.This indicates that the past experiment is over and now venture out for the new opportunities.This also indicates do not fear with the past happenings,it is time to go forward to pursue more big responsibilities.As it says do not get attached to your present position,its time to shift to bigger role now.Great card to see when you are in a dilemma to shift focus to bigger dream.Just relax and take a step forward to follow your guts,you will definitely succeed.Negative part of this card is you are disappointed with the present work and seems lost interest.Not to worry, this shows there is a ray of hope in the path you are proceeding.Just leave your inhibitions behind and go ahead to chase your dream which would come true sooner or later.
Good  card to gear up the hopes,got it?. Thanks for reading,will be back soon with my next card.

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