
Monday, February 29, 2016

'The Queen of Wands'


'Queen of wand' as you can see the pictures here which expresses its confidence and strength is very much visible.The wand in one hand indicates the authority one holds in hand.The sunflower in other hand shows the wisdom the Queen has in her.Though you can read the picture and make out the meaning you need to see the supporting cards for your specific requirement.If you are looking for some relationship query, then this indicates that its quite healthy and friendly situation prevailing which might turn to be a success.If its your career related question then its a big yes,go ahead and lay the foundation from here on,you will succeed.Same goes to the business deal,you will dig out an opportunity yourself with your own resources and strength.All this will be very much clear when you go for the reading with more supporting cards.Queen of wands basically a positive energy with motherly guidance in your proceedings.Great card to see in the reading when you send your child for higher studies/job to a foreign land where he needs some care and guidance.Hope this much will do for now,will be back soon with my next card.Thanks for reading,stay blessed  :).

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