
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"Eight of Wands"

Image result for images of eight of wands                                                                               
As we know wand is a fire element it makes sure that your enmity ends here and gives some clearance in your future progress."Eight of Wands" stands for some  movement, travel and transformation in progress.Its basically indicating your busy time ahead.This card carries tremendous energy and ideas which you need to place it in a right track to reach your target.These are all common features of a card but it might change in a reading according to the question asked.For example when you are overloaded with a task and not sure whether it will come out as you expected with all the challenges lying in the line,then this is an apt card to see.This indicates that the energy needed to clear the obstacles is there,just go ahead and do the job.Warning here is to take charge of the position and not to burn your hand.Hope you got it right?.Thank you for reading this,will be back soon with my next card.   

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