
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tarot card No 3

Number 3- This card in a Tarot card set is named as "The Empress". The word itself is defining the meaning of it.As everybody knows the "Empress" in a Kingdom is so powerful and also the backbone in the palace, you can imagine the person holding this number 3 can stand for.Tarot cards are very interesting to see and read them one by one. It’s so so surprising to see the pictures depicting the situation on ground. One cannot believe their eye at times, it’s so appropriate to correlate them automatically by seeing the pictures.Coming to this card no.3 it carries many positive characters in them.
 Empress is so mothering where it can mean for giving birth, nourishing life, nurturing and caring for others, cherishing the world, expressing tenderness, working with children etc.
Also Empress encourages you to strengthen your connections with the natural world which is the ground of our being.
In readings the Empress can refer to any aspect of caring. She/he can be an individual character holds a powerful status, but as a major arcana card, she/he also goes beyond the specifics of caring to its essence - the creation of life and its existence through loving care and attention. She can suggest material reward, but only with the understanding that go with a generous and open spirit. The Empress asks you to embrace the principle of life and enjoy its bountiful goodness.
One should not get carried away seeing this card in the reading. On the whole its a positive card but with the warning that too often false sophistication and pleasures take us far from our roots. Let the Empress remind you to keep your feet firmly planted in the Earth.Do enjoy the privilege of being here as a "Empress" as said in Tarot card.Its a gifted card if rightly claimed.Hope you enjoyed reading this?.Will get back with my next card soon.

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